It's been SEVEN days and 11 hours since I had one of these. (Dang, that looks good!), but who's counting?
Not exactly on purpose, I somehow have quite drinking Diet Coke. Mike has humored me by running with me, as I am a self proclaimed "beginning runner", and he feels it is time to clean up our diet. He informed me I needed to "make him eat healthy". The strange thing is, as he turns down the cookies and candy and brownies I make, he is making ME want to do better.
One week of this- he lost 8 pounds. EIGHT pounds. I lost ONE. I am not giving up. Something about the bloatedness and grandma looking legs has finally gotten to me. I have not had a coke for over a week.
Lest you think I am righteously sustained let me remind you, Crystal Light Focus has plenty of caffeine to get me through the afternoon (yum), but no carbonation.
I have no idea if this is for real. I have no idea why I drive past the Texaco with my re-fill mug and don't stop for a quick burst of icy pleasure. I just haven't. Maybe Obama is right.......it is time for CHANGE. Like a politician's promise, however, I must ask..... how long will this last?
So, before I clicked onto you blog, I was literally thinking I needed a Diet Coke to help me get rid of my headache.
And now I have a headache and feel guilty. Thanks. ;)
Just a bit of incentive to resist the craving; running is easier when you aren't drinking pop. Seriously, I have done the experiments. It's a world of a difference.
I still can't see how people get hooked on diet anything. I tried diet dr. pepper and diet sprite once and had to spit it out, it was so disgusting.
The only diet drink I like is diet root beer. My mom drinks Coke, but not the "unleaded" kind. She likes her Coke straight up on the rocks. And in 87 oz. mugs. :p
Sip, gulp, ahhhh....
My vice, Diet Pepsi. In a can and it has to be with "wild cherry". Addictions are hard to break and I'm not ready to rehabilitate myself yet. Especially since I can't have my fall-back - "Morning Spark" anymore. I went threw a mourning (no pun intended) phase when that disappeared from the shelves.
ejsy O dppmt imderdysmf
(That's me without my Diet Coke.) translation:
what I don't understand????
I feel like you're talking gibberish. The words NO and Diet Coke don't go together in my house unless it has something to do with an empty shelf in the fridge!
LOL - I figure the ONLY vice I get is my caffeine soda, and I'm not giving it up. I've been fighting the urge for an afternoon Diet Pepsi - your picture of icy refreshment made me cave.
My mom is a Diet Coke fanatic but is trying to quit as well.
I myself HATE any Diet drinks. I used to be a Dr. Pepper/Mt.Dew/Pepsi slut. When I get preggers with Hannah I quit and haven't had any caffine since then (6-1/2 years).
Good luck--especially with the headaches!
Oh ladies... I LOVE the taste of Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper.... and I used to say Mike, 'us Mormons have so few guilty pleasures in life....let me have this!"...... but I know I do better exercising without the soda in my system.
To be off caffeine I would have to swear off the Focus and occasional Rockstar before my runs..... am I ready?
PS Kristina-
please don't feel guilty.
Drink one for me (you too Shannon)
pop it open and say "This one's for RAMONA!"
Wow, my husband just started the no Pepsi thing himself. It also had something to do with his running. I hope your week is going better than his. The no caffenie might actually be killing him!
And a huge woo-hoo on the running, I wish I had that type of desire!
Yeah. I saw Suzanne Sommers complaining about how Diet soda kills brain cells and natural food is better.....Yeah, the woman's gotta be fifty, and looks like she's 25 except for her neck, so who is she to tell me to go natural?
I've been limiting my calories for a while in an effort to loose weight, and I've come pretty far, But a diet coke is one thing I don't have to count points or calories, one edible joy in a world of No-No's. Aahhhhh.
me, addicted to Diet Coke, I drank like 10 a day, and I quit in May and have not started back up!! if I can do it anyone could, I didn't even drink water.... diet coke started giving me chest pains, so I quit!! I drink Tava now, so good it is at target, tava has no calories, no caffenie, and vitamins. I also drink fresca.
love crystal light too........
My sister had one today when we ate dinner together. She offered me a can, and instead I poured a small Dixie Bathroom Cup sized shot.... I sipped it.
It was okay- but I wasn't dying for it and it didn't taste as good as I remembered. I will still have one , (I tell myself) but it just hasn't happened yet ...we are up to over 10 days since I've had a full drink. Can I do it?
I AM DYING. I haven't had soda, except a few stolen sips in almost 3 years and it is killing me. I had a gastric bypass (may blog about it if anyone shows interest) and soda has been the downfall of many a post-op and they gain alot of weight back, so I have been trying to be GOOD. But I am a soda addict! I love to wear Dr.Pepper lip gloss simply because it smells of the real thing. Oh how I long for an icy cold cherry pepsi, my fave caffeinated soda besides the Pepper.
And what is this about a crystal light with caffeine, please tell me more...I am falling asleep in movie theatres!! One treasure I have found: Swiss Miss Pick Me Up Cocoa...but it makes my heart (LOL, I have tacchycardia) beat really fast, but it's sooo worth it.
Tell me again how the bubbles fizzle against your nose *mouth watering*
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