I don't know what is up today, but I am in a big time funk.
Let me clarify- I tend to get a bit stressed on weekends, just because that is the way I function on Sundays for no apparent reason, but today I woke up overwhelmed.
My boys drug there feet all morning ( one of them triggered the yell/swear/throw socks reaction from me) and I was not in a place to handle it. I went running and made the mistake of 'just checking' the scale today. Up 2 pounds. Nice.
I tried to organize a 'book basket' in our front room- now I have piles of books and garbage to sort all over the front room, with a few baskets of laundry thrown in to the mix.
My sweet hubby called to warn me he won't be home tonight , like we had planned. Rain is delaying his work in Colorado, so my kids will be babysitting themselves (I have a few things going on) tonight and tomorrow morning, which of course, equals MORE MESS. I set down my blow dryer this morning and sobbed into a towel. At this point I am praying it is PMS- because otherwise I have lost my mind.
I know I am healthy. I know I am blessed. I know I am lucky.... but sometimes you just kind of want a pity party.
I am having one today.
You are all invited.
It's not just you! Yours is literally the 5th blog I've read in the past 2 days, about struggling and just feeling funky.
We all go through these times. You definitely need chocolate.
I have days like that too. I will not be making it to book club tomorrow. (Ryan has school and Brandon needs a Birthday Party) Your boys are welcome to come hang out at my house and play the Wii, no mess involved. I will also be home all night (Ryan at school again). My kids and I are going to watch Curious George which may be a little young for your boys but they are certainly welcome to join us if they want. Hope its PMS!
Heidi C
Heidi- do you have a blog??? Let me know if you do...
I am curremtly serving chicken enchaldas and Hostess Suzy Qs at my party. MMMMMM
Ya'll better hurry before they are all gone
So sorry to hear that you are having a bad day. Not having my husband home when I have been counting on it always makes my day worse. And forget the mess, there's always another day to have a clean house.
I have pity partys all of the time! It always seems to happen around "that time of the month" too. I am a littl bit overwhelmed as I am having a faimly birthday party for Hannah tonight and a friend party for her tomorrow. I am freaking out because I volunteered at the school all day today and when I came home the house was a wreck. I had to re-clean and bake a cake and now I am sweating like a pig and need a shower!
Oops! Sorry!! This was supposed to be your pity party not mine! I think we both need a chocolate overdose!
DR Pepper and chocolate always make me feel better.
Funk, I never heard being in a funk until I met my husband. I'm so glad you used it too.
I get that way too. Usually when I'm feeling fat and my house is a mess and I have homework and am behind on stuff.
I hope you feel better! Take one thing at a time. It's hard to separate it all, but step back and eat some of your suzies. :)
I love pity parties,no joke. Sometimes I just really enjoy a good cry.
Hope you get a chance to relax this weekend, go rent Baby Mama, I just finished watching it and it was kinda funny.
Reemona, you know what you need to do...find an emotion inducing song...something that makes you want to get up and move or sing or whatever and JUMP ON THE TRAMPOLINE with your ipod full blast! I know you were tempted after you read my blog. So freakin' do it already. It relieves stress in a major way. You're not far from your house. Your heartrate's going. You're worried about neighbors thinking you're a freak. Some may even say it will work the kegels. But beware the kids will want to join you! Just tell them it's MOM'S Turn!!!!
Or...and I did this just today, turn on Kate Bush's Hello Earth and sing at the top of your lungs.
P.s. a pity party's not a party until Ben and Jerry are there :)
TAMN's doing a giveaway so make sure you enter :)
I can't believe you even found Suzy Q's. I thought they didn't make them anymore! I agree with Ben and Jerry's, a nice tub of Pistachio Pistachio to myself is the best party. I had one for dinner a few days ago, and with all this baby stuff, I have one in the freezer for emergencies. Crying into the towel was good, but I used to sit in the walk in closet and really let 'er rip. Very cleansing. (I am still talking about crying)
I thought I was the only one that did the YELL/SWEAR/THROW/FEEL BAD thing. Anyways I had an episode last week myself. I heard about this book called "Scream Free Parenting" by Hal Runkel. I though I would love to be a scream free parent so I bought the audio book off of Itunes and listened to the whole thing while I cleaned. Anyways its basically about focusing on you and calming your own anxiety. And teaching your children to make good choices, natural consiquences of choices they make, and hopefully by doing this they will grow up to be an independent adult. I thought it was good. Lots of stuff I needed to hear.
I better get back to writing my R.S. Newsletter. {Got Sidetracked}
I got get up in 5 hours so I guess I'll hurry up and go to bed.
P.S.Like your New Music picks!
Note to self:
Must add "Scream Free Parenting" to shopping list.
Thanks Skibas!
Dude I am so there. I just got done talking to my husband who is 1,000 plus miles away about my crappy day at church and it made me feel like poo. I need to do something else. Maybe run instead of eat the 5 peanut butter cookies I just ate....
saying you fell like 'poo' is like.....
the funniest thing ever!!!!
It sounds like an anxiety attack, like too many things adding up all at once and you just need to get IT out. Seriously I know what I'm talking about, I have them on a regular basis. I've been diagnosed with multiple disorders by doctors so I feel quite protective when I see even inklings of it in others. You need to make sure you take care of you too.
Even if it's to just cry, make sure you do it, it's like your bodies way of saying, Hey I am a lil overwhelmed here, I need to vent. *shrugs*
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